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Psychiatrist’s Guide to Writing a Business Introduction Letter

As a psychiatrist, you need to learn how to market yourself to new clients.

Are you in the process of launching your private psychiatry practice and need guidance on writing a business introduction letter?

Look no further than this post, which will outline exactly how you can craft an enticing letter to announce your new practice.

Create a Business Introduction Letter to Inform Your Old Clients

According to the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, your relationship with your clients is strictly between the counselor and the patient.

Your employer can not stand between you and your old clients! You have the right to take your past clients with you as you move to a private practice. The relationships that you built with your old clients are important to maintain.

This information means you can alert your old clients about your new private psychiatry practice. By sending them out a formal business introduction letter, they will know where to find you for further therapy sessions.

Start Your Letter With Purpose

If your letter is going to be sent over e-mail, you need to think about what to title the e-mail subject line.

It should be concise and to the point, but not lack character.

A possible title for the subject line would be, “Join Me At My New Private Practice” or “Did You Hear My Great News?”. It’s marketing 101. A catchy title will make anyone click through to read more.

These types of titles are easy to use but have a lasting impact on your clients. The title you choose can be more personal, too, to draw in your special clients who have been with you since the beginning of your Psychiatry career.

What To Include in the Body

After you finish writing a title for your introduction letter, it’s on to the next step: the body.

Your message ought to include some of the following details within the body section of your business introduction letter:

1. Your Qualifications

You should highlight your professional qualifications in order to indicate where you received your education from. This includes what school you received your degree from and the fact that you are a licensed psychiatrist.

2. Where You Had Formal Training

If you went on to earn your master’s degree or PhD, you should write about your professional credentials in the body of your introduction letter.

3. What is Your Specialty?

Do you specialize in a specific area of psychiatry, such as ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc? Make sure to label these in your message, too, so your future clients will understand what areas you treat.

4. Research Studies

Facts are non-negotiable. You should place a few research studies that talk about your treatment plans for verification. If you completed a research study while in school on a certain topic regarding psychiatry, make sure to cite it within your message. These studies will encourage your clients to trust you as their doctor.

5. Your Mission Statement

You need to come up with a statement illustrating what you hope to accomplish by opening up your own private psychiatry practice. How do you hope to help people? The more specific you are, the better your clients will get to know what you stand for!

Final Touches To Add In Your Letter

Look over everything you have written in your letter a few times.

You should proofread the entire message to make sure you don’t skimp over misspellings or grammar issues.

Address your message to each of your clients by their first names in order to keep a professional yet personal letter with a unique tone of voice.

Add your new address, phone number, hours of operation, and e-mail contact information at the bottom of your message. This information needs to be put in bold text so everyone can read it.

Finally, sign your letter with your name. If you are able to do so, sign your letter with a copy of your handwritten signature. An original signature creates a good first impression for your readers.

Follow Up With An Open House

Composing a beautifully written business introduction letter is only the beginning of developing your best marketing strategy to grow your clientele.

Want to know another way to announce your new practice within the community?

Hosting a party, of course!

Having an open house is ideal for starting conversations with people in your neighborhood. It’s a fun and easy way to get to know one another. Open houses are personal ways to open up your new office for all to see.

Invite your old clients to the open house to discuss your future plans as a private practice. The open house is another marketing tool that can lead to more clients down the road. The open house concept is a modern-day method to invite old clients to bring new referrals, too.

Ask Your Clients For Feedback

If the open house idea sounds too overwhelming, another tip would be to simply ask your clients for feedback once you sent out your business introduction letter. Asking your clients to fill you in on their experiences will give you insight into how you are performing as a psychiatrist.

The feedback you receive, whether it be confidential or used as testimonials in future brochures, can be beneficial to improving your practice. You don’t know how well you are doing unless you ask someone for their opinion!

Place a sentence at the end of your message asking your clients for their input. You can place a message such as “If you have time, please send me back a quick response to how you like or dislike the therapy you have already received. I would like feedback on my work so I can understand where I succeed and where I need to make changes.”

Need More Digital Marketing Tips?

Are you ready to take the leap into the world of owning a private psychiatry practice in your community?

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